Trenbolone 200 Trenbolone 200 Trenbolone 200
Dragon Pharma

Trenbolone 200

122.00 USD

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active ingredient: Trenbolone Enanthate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Amount: 1 X 10 ml (200 mg/ml)
Lab Tested: View Results

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Trenbolone 200 Detailed

Lab Test Report

trenbolone 200 lab test report

Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Pharmaceutical Name: Trenbolone
Chemical Name: Trenbolone Enanthate
Chemical Abstract Name: 17beta-hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one
Molecular Structure: C18H22O2
Molecular Weight: 270.37 g/mol
Active Half Life: 8 Days
Dosage: Men 300-700 mg/week; Women - Not Recommended
Acne: Rarely
Water retention: Yes
High blood pressure: Perhaps
Hepatotoxicity: Yes
Aromatization: No
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis suppression: Severe
CAS Number: 10161-33-8
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Country: Europe
Presentation: Trenbolone 200 for sale - 1 x 10 ml х 200 mg

Buy Trenbolone 200 Online | Trenbolone Enanthate for Sale

Product Description: Trenbolone Enanthate has a dynamic existence of around 8 days, making it the longest enduring Trenbolone item accessible and available on the market. Normally, weight lifters use this compound 1-2x a week, in partitioned measurements, where normal dosage is 400-600mg every week. Most muscle heads who have attempted both Trenbolone Enanthate and Parabolan (Trenabol Depot) consider Trenbolone Enanthate to be similarly powerful, dispite Parabolan's cult status.

The medication is frequently utilized for pre-challenge purposes, because of its solidifying impacts and lypolytic (fat metabolizing) qualities. This medication is perhaps the most exceedingly androgenic and anabolic compound, which does not aromatize, available for use today. It remains sensibly anabolic even in a decreased calorie environment. This is because of it's hostile to against Anabolic impacts, which it applies on the counter anabolic hormones in your body. Those hormones restrict your anabolic potential, and Trenbolone is likely the steroid with the most significant impact on battling those hormones. Users of Trenbolone Enanthate report exceedingly improved quality muscle mass up and post-training recuperation, and also quality mass additions. Trenbolone Enanthate can be kidney poisonous, bodybuilders have ordinarily reported exceptionally dim pee when utilizing Trenbolone. This is effectively combated by expanding liquid admission to a gallon+/day and Gynecomastia is not an issue with Trenbolone since the medication can change over to estrogen. Trenbolone is, however, a progestin, which implies it can increase the impacts of any estrogen in your body, including estrogen occurring from use of different anabolics. Additionally, being a progestin, it can bring about prolactin levels in your body to end up hoisted, creating conceivable sexual dysfunction. Thus, testosterone is constantly recommended in a cycle containing Trenbolone, to battle conceivable sexual dysfunction.

Trenbolones (and most 19-nor test mixes, all in all) have a high proclivity for androgen receptor-locales. This is presumably mostly how it applies it's lypolytic impacts. Additionally, because of this high affinity for the receptor site, numerous bodybuilders find that stacking it with steroids with low receptor tying capacities is special, and hence Winstrol regularly finds its way into a cutting cycle with Trenbolone enanthate, while Anadrol or Dianabol is frequently utilized with it for building. Be that as it may, in both cutting and in addition building cycles, testosterone use is essential with Trenbolone Enanthate, to evade sexual dysfunction.

Commercial Names: Trenaplex, Trenboxyl, Tritren, Finarex Depot, Trenabol Depot, Fina, Tranabol, Tren E, Trenoid, Tren, Trenoid, Trinaxyl, Trebol, Trenodex, Trenatrex.

Trenbolone 200 - Trenbolone Enanthate - Dragon Pharma

trenbolone 200 for sale

Trenbolone 200 Reviews
Mar 14, 2017 (10:14)

Love this stuff. Does everything good tren should do. But does effect breathing a lot.

May 23, 2016 (09:09)

super-fast delivery...i have bought from other sites and this one is the best all-round, i have ordered again

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