Deca 300 Deca 300
Dragon Pharma

Deca 300

60.00 USD
Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active ingredient: Nandrolone Decanoate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Amount: 1 X 10 ml (300 mg/ml)
Lab Tested: View Results
Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

Deca 300 Detailed

Lab Test Report

deca 300 lab test report

Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Pharmaceutical Name: Deca
Chemical Name: Nandrolone Decanoate
Chemical Abstract Name: (17β)-3-Oxoestr-4-en-17-yl decanoate
Molecular Structure: C28H44O3
Molecular Weight: 274.4 g/mol
Active Half Life: 14-16 Days
Dosage: Men 300-800 mg/week; Women 50-100 mg/week
Acne: Rarely
Water retention: Yes, but less than testosterone
High blood pressure: Perhaps
Hepatotoxicity: Low
Aromatization: Low
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis suppression: Low
Inactive ingredients: .
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Country: Europe
Presentation: Deca 300 for sale - 1 x 10 ml х 300 mg

Buy Deca 300 Online | Nandrolone Decanoate for Sale

Deca 300 is produced by Dragon Pharma. One flacon of 10 ml contains 3000mg of the anabolic hormone Nandrolone Decanoate and is destinated for intramuscular use. It is worth nothing that this injectable steroid is high anabolic steroid with low androgenic features. For this reason, it is so popular and widespread among bodybuilders and athletes. As many other steroids, Nandrolone Injection is taken in medicine to cure renal insufficiency, osteoporosis, breast cancer, muscular dystrophy, retinophaty, glomerular nephritis, vast burns and others. It should be said that, among bodybuilders and athletes this steroid is also named as Deca 250.

Deca 300 Dosage and Cycle

Deca 300 anabolic effect depends on the using dosage, which increases practically proportionately to the athlete's weight. Most bodybuilders and athletes achieve good results and quality muscle growth by taking 400 mg per week. But, steroid beginners commonly need at most 200mg per week. Moreover, it shows perfect muscle buildup when it’s mixed with Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) and Enantat 250 (Testosterone Enanthate). In addition, 200-400mg/weekly of Deca 300 with 20-40mg/daily Methandienone is the most popular stack that helps to gain muscle mass rapidly.

More faster result may be reached with staking Nandrolone Injection with Sustanon. In such case bodybuilders report a colossal gain in power and muscle mass while adding 500 mg per week of Sustanon. Also Deca 300 is a quality basic anabolic steroid for muscle buildup, and may be stacked with lot of other steroids. Nandrolone Decanoate is one of the best injectable steroids, which may be taken in bulking and cutting cycles. At bulking cycle athletes prefer to combine Deca 300 with Stanazolol injectable or with different types of Testosterones, with aim to achieve best results.

Deca 300 Side Effects

Deca 300 has the features to aromatize while this drug is used at high dosages, but not as high as testosterone. While mixing it with Stanazolol injectable, Deca 300 helps with the joint issues and at the same time it blocks accumulation of the progesterone.To escape these side effects associated with Progesterone accumulation some athletes and bodybuilders mix Deca 300 with Dostinex and Cabaser. Using Nandrolone Injection, athletes usually may report such side effects as reducing of sex drive.

A beneficial dosage for athletes and bodybuilders is 300-800mg per week for period of 8-12 weeks. Women also may use Deca 300 due to its low androgenic features in low dosages. A beneficial dosage for female is 50-100 mgs per week.

Deca 300 for Sale

Purchase Nandrolone Injection only at legit trusty pharmacy that provides steroids of high quality for sale. Buy Deca 300 manufactured by Dragon Pharma one of most appreciated steroid these days.

Commercial Names: Axidrol, Grodec, Deca, Durabol, Gemdec, Decabolic, Pylodec, Decaver, Nandrolona, Nitrobol, NPP, Nandrolone, Nandrodex, Durobolic, Decaplex, Decabol, Nandroxyl, Nandronit D, Therabol, Decatrex, Myobolin, Synobol, Decos, Nandrobolin, Growdeca, Newdec, Zebol, Deca-Durabolin, Deca-Duralin, Duraxyl, Durabolin, Cheribol.

Deca 300 - Nandrolone Decanoate - Dragon Pharma

deca 300 for sale
Deca 300 Reviews
Jan 11, 2019 (18:55)

Took 5 weeks to get my shipment.. that's kinda bad but better. its alot quicker the how long it took in the past..

Dec 7, 2018 (19:32)

i highly doubt this guy got his shipment in a week i have tried this company before and products seems to be good , i never tried injectables before. i will leave feed back after and i will start the lock form my order date, it usually takes at least a month for shipping... i think some one doctored that review.

Oct 15, 2018 (22:45)

using deca 300 for joints 2xs a week 1ml each in glute, I have test e but what dose should I use and where and can I do it the same time as the deca?

Jan 3, 2017 (10:49)

Thanks for the quick delivery! I have been using deca for 4 weeks together with testoxyl enanthate and I am seeing good results this far. I started at 193 lbs and now I am 200lbs. I am seeing more definition through out. Definitely a return customer. Thanks!

Dec 9, 2016 (11:36)

Just received my Deca today. Only took a week!

Dec 5, 2016 (10:16)

The Deca I got seems to be adding that extra size I needed after coming to an end with my cycle of Test Enth. I am not feeling pain in my knees while doing squats. Awesome Product!

Nov 24, 2016 (12:55)

ordered my deca, good site, looking forward to receiving,

Nov 11, 2016 (12:14)

This is a legit steroid site for anybody who is not sure. I placed an order for 2 vials of deca and recieved it within one week. I have been only on this stuff for two weeks and already my lifts are improving. I have finally found a steroid site that I trust, and look forward to doing business with you in the future, so thanks for the great service

Oct 28, 2016 (07:17)

I have received Deca 300, I think this is the best workout supplment I have ever used in my life!

Oct 5, 2016 (08:36)

Tried Deca, great product had it for 4 weeks and i have gained 14lbs of muscle

Jun 29, 2016 (08:24)

Great stuff for my body, I can't believe it!! Only problem during cycle is my d***! :-)

Jun 24, 2016 (08:12)

very good, shipping dam fast but will wait for full results from stuff, nice feeling but granted deca does not seem like its testosterone in any form, i will do more business soon.

May 6, 2016 (08:22)

Received Deca vials in 3 weeks. Great gains during the first week stacked with herbal supplements. Increase of appetite and significant weight gain.

Jul 7, 2015 (09:21)

Thank you that my dreams come true. you are the SITE for anabolic steroids. THANKS AGAIN!!!

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