Testosterona P
Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Testosterona P

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active ingredient: Testosterone Propionate
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Amount: 1 X 10 amps (200 mg/ml)

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Testosterona P Detailed

Water retention:Yes

Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Commercial name: Testosterona P
Active ingredient: Testosterone Propionate
Package: 10 * 1ml ampoule; 200 mg/ml
Active Life: aprox. 2-3 days
Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Effective Dose: Men 50-300 mg daily or each other day
Acne: Yes
High blood pressure: Yes
Liver Toxic: Low
Aromatization: Yes
DHT Conversion: Yes, high
Decrease HPTA function: Yes, extremely high
Cycle: Bulking & Cutting

Buy Testosterona P Online | Testosterone Propionate for Sale

Testosterona P is injectable anabolic which includes active ingredient testosterone propionate. This drug has identical features as cypionate, enanthate, sustamed (testosterone mix). Virtually the difference consists in that Propionate is shorter ether and will release rapidly in the blood.

Principal thing that make athletes to take this anabolic is that this injectable steroid may be removed from the body rapidly in about 48-72 hours. Another principal thing that makes Testosterona P so famous among athletes and bodybuilders is the factor that the grade of water retention is reduced in comparison with other anabolics.

As a result it’s considering the fundamental anabolic in the cycles, that is why it generally is taken by bodybuilders in both cycles (cutting and bulking).

Most athletes choose in bulking cycles to associate Testosterona P with such anabolics as Nandrolone Decanoate, Equipoise, Danabol/Methandienone or Anapolon/Oxymethenolone. In cutting cycles it’s efficiently to use with Winstrol Tabs/Stanozolole , Oxandrolone, Trenbolone.

In the cycle end is advised for users, to combine propionate with Clomed or Tamoximed to return efficiently and rapid pituitary glands and testes operation.

Female generally takes it to build muscle mass, with less dose comparison with males athletes, in order to reduce maculating side effects.

Usual dose for male of this drug should be as a rule in 400-1200mg/weekly range and duration of cycle should be for period of 56-140 days. Female generally use a dose of 50-100 mg/weekly.

Athletes choose to associate Testosterona P with anti-estrogen drugs such as Provimed, Anastrozol, Tamoximed to keep side effects to low level.

Testosterona P may be used single in the cycle, because of its wide activity, that other anabolics may only supplement. So long as testosterone isn’t just only suitably connected to androgen receptor in cells, but as well has an evident non-genomic effect. That’s why it’s a perfect "connector" for almost steroids; it may be mixed with anything. Testosterona P in the cutting cycles, may be mixed with Strombafort/Stanozolol, Primobol, Masteron, Trenbolone Acetate. For certain it brings magnificent effect in quality muscle mass buildup. Daily compound of 50mg of Testosterona P + 50mg of Strombafort/Stanazolol + 50mg of Trenbolone Acetate gives perfect effects in fat burning and muscle tissue gain.

The highest effect in bulking cycles is reached when users compound it with Nandrolone Decanoate, Dianabol/Methandienone, or Anapolon/Oxymetholone. 100-200 mg/daily of Testosterona P + 400 mg/weekly of Nandrolone Decanoate + 40 mg/daily of Danabol/Methandienone is a classic compound for athletes for long time, and it permanently provides impressive muscle gain, because of synergic effect of such combination. If is needed to avoid x3m water retention, is possible to compound it with Nandrolone Phenylpropionate and Turanabol. It will be the best for muscle tissue gain. The steroid novices must decrease the doses, and permanent have the anti-estrogen (Tamoxifen, Provimed, Clomed) on hand.

Usual Testosterona P causes side effect such as irritation, hair loss, oily skin, swelling, insomnia, excessive salt, sweating at night, acne, water retention, increased libido, raised blood pressure. Side effects for women are depression, cessation, nausea, male pattern baldness, excess body hair growth, irregularity of menstruation, vomiting, enlargement of clitoris, deepening of voice.

Commercial Names: Viromone, Testoxyl, TestoRapid, Testodex, Virormone, Anatest, Propioplex, Test Prop, TestoPro, Testos-P, Testosterona, Testoprogen, Viro-Prop, TestP, Prop, Propitrex, Testpronate, Testoviron, Pharma Test P, Propionat, Testovis, Propionate.

Testosterona P - Testosterone Propionate - Balkan Pharmaceuticals

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