SP Tropin
SP Laboratories

SP Tropin

Human Peptide Hormone
Active ingredient: Human Growth Hormone
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories
Amount: 1 X 10 Vials x 10 IU / Vial

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SP Tropin Detailed

Drug Class: Human Peptide Hormone
Pharmaceutical Name: SP Tropin
Chemical Name: Human Growth Hormone
Chemical Abstract Name: -
Molecular Structure: C990H1529N263O299S7
Molecular Weight: - g/mol
Active Half Life: 2.5-3 Days
Dosage: 4-10 IU/day
Acne: No
Water retention: No
High blood pressure: No
Hepatotoxicity: No
Aromatization: No
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis suppression: None
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories
Country: Europe
Presentation: SP Tropin for sale - 1 x kit х 10 Vials x 10 IU

Buy SP Tropin Online | Human Growth Hormone for Sale

Commercial Names: Zorbtive, Glotropin, Kalpatropin, Humatrope, Norditropin, Taitropin, Riptropin, SimpleXx, Ansomone, Zomacton, Pharmatropin, Jintropin, Tev-Tropin, Ansomon, Nutropin, Hygetropin, Kigtropin, Somatropin, Norditropin, Kefei, Jintropine.

SP Tropin - Human Growth Hormone - SP Laboratories

SP Tropin Reviews
Aug 29, 2018 (11:15)

Can't comment on quality just yet; but after a single 8iu dose, typical sides are showing up. Will have lab work done to test quality and purity over the next week or so, whenever I get the chance to get to the lab (not some stupid IGF test, LC-MS - you can't get better purity results than mass spectrometry!).

Kit also checked out to be LEGIT on the official product website.

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