Drug Class: | Injectable Anabolic Steroid |
Pharmaceutical Name: | Primoxyl |
Chemical Name: | Methanolone Enanthate |
Chemical Abstract Name: | 17beta-hydroxy-1-methyl-5alpha-androst-1-en-3-one |
Molecular Structure: | C27H42O3 |
Molecular Weight: | 493.1662 g/mol |
Active Half Life: | 10-14 Days |
Dosage: | Men 350-600 mg/week; Women 100 mg/week |
Acne: | Yes |
Water retention: | Low |
High blood pressure: | Perhaps |
Hepatotoxicity: | Low |
Aromatization: | No |
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis suppression: | Yes |
CAS Number: | 303-42-4 |
Manufacturer: | Kalpa Pharmaceuticals |
Country: | India |
Presentation: | Primoxyl 100 for sale - 1 x 10 ml х 100 mg |
Product Description: Primoxyl 100 is a mild anabolic with very low androgenic activity, which means that there's solely a lowest probability of typical steroid side-effects. It doesn't convert to estrogen and, therefore, estrogen-caused water retention and fat deposition won't occur from using it. Primoxyl 100 will increase the conversion of protein to lean muscle tissue through its anabolic activity. As a result of Methenolone Enanthate has nearly no androgenic hormone (i.e., masculinizing) effects, it will typically be used safely by ladies.
Commercial Names: Primo, Alphabolin, Primobolic, Primobolan, Primotrex, Primobolan Depot, Primabolan, Primodex, Primoplex, Primoxyl, Primobol, Primotest.
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