Kalpatropin 20 IU
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Kalpatropin 20 IU

Human Peptide Hormone
Active ingredient: Human Growth Hormone
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Amount: 10 vials x 20 IU

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Kalpatropin 20 IU Detailed

Drug Class: Peptide Hormone
Pharmaceutical Name: Kalpatropin
Chemical Name: Human Growth Hormone
Chemical Abstract Name:
Molecular Structure: C990H1529N263O299S7
Molecular Weight: g/mol
Active Half Life: 2.5-3 Hours
Dosage: 4-10 IU/day
Acne: No
Water retention: No
High blood pressure: No
Hepatotoxicity: No
Aromatization: No
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis suppression: No
Inactive ingredients: .
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Country: India
Presentation: Kalpatropin for sale - 10 x 10 ml х 20 IU

Buy Human Growth Hormone Online | Kalpatropin for Sale

This is a recombinant human growth hormone that helps enhance the growth hormone in the human body commonly used in India. It has same amino acids (191) like those produced by growth hormones in the body. It is the biggest brand in India with largest market share. Kalpatropin produces highly purified product that limit cases of side effects from the injection.

Kalpatropin growth hormone works in the body in different ways. It helps to reduce the aging process by reducing excess abdominal fats, increasing muscle mass, reducing wrinkles on the skin, and strengthen the immune system. It also helps reduce the chronic fatigue syndrome and improve the health of HIV patients. High dozes of these hormones help the HIV patients to add weight, and lean body mass that reduces the risks of early death.

The recombinant growth hormone is produced by Kalpa pharmaceutical Inc. It helps children with lack of adequate growth hormones. Kalpatropin helps patients suffering from severe burns to improve the healing process, and promote growth of new muscles for body builders.

Commercial Names: Jintropin, Humatrope, Norditropin, Zorbtive, Norditropin, Somatropin, Jintropine, Biotropin, Zomacton, Kefei, Nutropin, Hygetropin, Glotropin, Ansomone, SimpleXx, Taitropin, Ansomon, Kigtropin, Riptropin, Tev-Tropin.

Kalpatropin - Human Growth Hormone - Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

kalpatropin for sale

Kalpatropin 20 IU Reviews
Nov 15, 2016 (17:01)

Your Kalpatropin HGH is the best I have used. No bad side effects, and I have great results!!!

Nov 8, 2016 (09:20)

My HGH took 11 days, awesome fastest service around.

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