Balkan Pharmaceuticals


Administration: Oral
Active ingredient: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Amount: 1 X 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Out of stock

Turanabol Detailed

Drug Class: Oral Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Pharmaceutical Name: Turanabol
Chemical Name: Chlorodehydromethyltestoterone
Chemical Abstract Name: 4-chloro-17b-hydroxy-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-dien-3-one
Molecular Structure: C20H27O2Cl
Molecular Weight: 334.89 g/mol
Active Half Life: 16 Hours
Dosage: 20-50 mg/day
Acne: Yes
Water retention: Low
High blood pressure: Perhaps
Hepatotoxicity: Yes
Aromatization: No
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis suppression: Low
Cycle: Both (Cutting and Bulking)
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Country: Europe
Presentation: Turanabol for sale - 1 x 60 х 10 mg

Buy Turanabol Online | Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone for Sale

Turanabol is classified as androgenic steroid. Its composition it is similar to Methandrostenolone. Available in tablets. Its main difference from the usual Methane is the presence of another chlorine atom. For the first time this steroid appeared in the middle of the 20th century in Germany. This product has other names.

This steroid is created as a means of androgenic nature by German experts. At that time, Germany had developed a number of drugs with good effect, including Turinabol. It was created with the purpose to get a steroid, which would mix Oxandrolone and Methadrostenolone and, at the same time with good effect of anabolism and without side effects.

This drug has an anabolic effect superior to Testosterone almost two times. With regard to androgenic influence, Turanabol has 50% of Testosterone. This is a highly toxic substance. Its action is maintained for 16 hours. Traces of the drug in the body is stored for a long time.

This steroid helps to increase muscle mass, while a negative reaction on the part of the body to the drug is minimized. Testosterone is most often used in combination with other drugs, but Turanabol can be used singly. It is suitable for those who are just starting their way in the sport. This substance is safe. In small quantities, it can be used even by women. Athletes who are participating in competitions, need to be aware that doping controls can detect if you had taken this medication, even months after the last dose (traces are stored up to 250 days).

There are ways to hide Turanabol usage, but they are not always effective.

Turanabol Results

By taking Turanabol, one can increase the weight by 4-6 kg, for this you will need to use it from 4 to 6 weeks. Moreover, other drugs used in this period is not necessary. The average dose will help to achieve the desired effect.

Increased strength endurance.

The reaction from steroid hormones is absent.

Globulin level decreases.

Increasing the amount of testosterone.

The drug protects the heart (prevents the development of blood clots).

The water in the body while taking the substance is not delayed. The drug gives a result after some time. Progress comes slowly, but with a high-quality result.

Turanabol Usage and Dosage

Studies indicate that the drug is effective if taken from 20 to 40 mg per day, and almost no side effects. The dose is divided into three portions (we are talking about tablets). It helps to normalize hormonal balance, reduce the negative effect on the liver. People involved in bodybuilding, often exceed the dose and take up to 150 mg daily.

To calculate the dose that will provide maximum effect, you need to know the individual characteristics of the body of the athlete, physiological characteristics, the degree of endurance.

Before you start taking the substance, it is recommended to consult with a specialist, get tested.

Beginners should not take more than 40 mg in a day. Those athletes who want to increase stamina (biathletes, boxers) -> 10-20 mg is enough.

Cycle length - about 6 weeks is enough time, that was the effect (increased speed and endurance, as well as muscle mass), while avoiding a negative reaction on the part of the body.

Turanabol can be also stacked together with Testosterone. This course involves receiving Turanabol in the amount of 20 mg per day, and Testosterone should be used at 2500 mg per week. Note that you finish first receiving Testosterone, and after seven days Turanabol.

If you took Turinabol briefly and in small quantities, treatment after the course is not mandatory.

Turanabol Side Effects

This toxic drug passes through the liver, it does not collapse. Its effect on the body is similar to that of Methandrostenolone. The main side effect of steroids - the destruction of liver cells.

If Turanabol is used for a long time (more than six weeks), it greatly reduces testosterone production in a natural way, it can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Follow the instructions for use of the drug and the recommendations of an expert, follow instructions to avoid side effects.

Commercial Names: Turanabol 10MG, Turanabol, Turanaplex, Turanaxyl, Turinadex, Turinabol, Turanabolic, Veyron Pharma T.B 0.10, LIXUS T-Bol.

Turanabol - Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone - Balkan Pharmaceuticals

turanabol for sale

Turanabol Reviews
Nov 28, 2016 (09:42)

Turanabol is a great product! i have been on it now for about 2 weeks and the results are incredible. My strength has dramatically increased, gained about 8 pounds, and my sex drive is through the roof! I currently weigh 220 and i have been taking 60 mg a day....good look peeps!

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