Stanoxyl Depot
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Stanoxyl Depot

55.00 USD

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active ingredient: Stanozolol
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Amount: 1 X 10 mL Vial (50 mg/mL)

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Stanoxyl Depot Detailed

Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Pharmaceutical Name: Stanoxyl
Chemical Name: Stanozolol
Chemical Abstract Name: 17α-Methyl-17β-hydroxy-[5α]-androst-2-eno[3,2-c]pyrazole
Molecular Structure: C21H32N2O
Molecular Weight: 328.49 g/mol
Active Half Life: 48 Hours
Dosage: 300-400 mg/week
Acne: Low-probability side effect
Water retention: No
High blood pressure: Perhaps
Hepatotoxicity: Yes, being c17alfa-alkylated steroid. Toxicity is low to medium, due to low doses
Aromatization: No, it is a DHT derivative
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis suppression: None
Cycle: Cutting
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Country: India
Presentation: Stanoxyl Depot for sale - 1 x 10 ml х 50 mg

Buy Stanoxyl Depot Online | Stanozolol for Sale

Winstrol has been developed by Winthrop Laboratories and has been approved by the FDA for human use.

Stanoxyl Depot from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals is an anabolic steroid, which reduces body fat and increases muscle's relief. The drug is in demand and popular among athletes because it helps to increase muscle mass and its side effects are minimal. You can buy Stanoxyl Depot on our website.

Effectiveness of the Drug

The effectiveness of the drug is in the following properties:

Increased growth of quality muscles.
- Increasing muscle's relief.
- Increased endurance and power performance.
- Burning fat cells.
- Do not convert into estrogen.
- It does not reduce testosterone production.

How to take Stanoxyl Depot

This drug is designed to increase muscle definition and drawing, reduce fat, and increase strength and performance endurance. The average dosage of the drug is 30-50 mg per day. If you are new to the use of sports pharmacology, you'd better take this drug at a dosage of 10 mg per day. Cycle duration is 30-40 days, 2-3 weeks include post cycle therapy. For best results it is recommended to comply with proper diet and training regime. A more long-term use of the course is not advisable, as there is a risk of side effects. During PCT it is recommended to take Clomid.

Side Effects

In addition to the positive properties of the drug, it can occur side effects, but with the right dosage and recommendations, it can be avoided. You may experience increasing blood pressure, cholesterol. But injectable form of the drug, as compared to oral administration, means it has no toxicity, it is not converted into estrogen, which eliminates the occurrence of gynecomastia and has minimal progestogenic activity.

This drug has a lot of positive feedbacks, which once again demonstrates its qualitative effects on the body and safety when properly used in accordance with the recommendations.

Commercial Names: Strombafort, Strombaject Aqua, Stanover, Stanol, Stanabol, Stanos, Winstrol Depot, Tanzol, Stanotrex, Winstrol, Unistan Depot, Menabol, Stanobolic, Stanoxyl, Stano, Rexogin, Stanol, Stromba Tablets, Neurabol, Azolol, Winny, Stanoject, Rexobol, Androstanazol, Stromba, Stanodex, Stanozolols, Strombaject.

Stanoxyl Depot - Stanozolol - Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

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Stanoxyl Depot Reviews
Jun 30, 2015 (06:50)

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