Trenbolone Fat Burning

Q: I know Tren is, like, supposed to be one of the most amazing drugs out there for size and everything, and people love it, but I also hear it can be fat burning and cause a wicked cough. Can I use it during a pre-contest cycle? When should I take it? Off or on season? Do I have to worry about the cough?

A: Tren is awesome no matter how you slice it, process it, inject it or rub it on your skin with a transdermal carrier. It's one of those drugs that everyone should do at least, oh, 25 times! (Is our bias showing?) Anyway, yes, Tren is a great fat burner and therefore, you can use it both on and off season. How it works is that it burns fat through a rise in IGF and prostaglandins.

Lab Tested
US Domestic & International
Trenbolone 100
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active ingredient: Trenbolone Acetate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Amount: 1 X 10 ml (100 mg/ml)
Lab Tested: View Results

91.00 USD  
US Domestic & International
Trenboxyl Acetate 100
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Anabolic Steroid (For Intramuscular Injection)
Active ingredient: Trenbolone Acetate
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Amount: 1 X 10 ml (100 mg/ml)
91.00 USD  
US Domestic & International
Trenabol 100
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Administration: Injection
Active ingredient: Trenbolone Acetate
Manufacturer: British Dragon
Amount: 1 X 10 ml / 100 mg
91.00 USD  
US Domestic & International
Trenaplex A 100
Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester; Progestogen
Active ingredient: Trenbolone Acetate
Manufacturer: Axiolabs
Amount: 1 X 10 mL Vial (100 mg/mL)
91.00 USD  

While IGF is a fairly well known substance in the bodybuilding world today, prostaglandins are fairly foreign to bodybuilders (though not to the medical community). Here's a bit on prostaglandins: They both stimulate and alleviate inflammation, regulate blood flow to certain organs, control ion transport across cell membranes, modulate synaptic transmission, induce sleep, control lipid release and regulate metabolism at the cellular level within certain tissues. They are often responsible for regulating the pain we experience as well.

Prostaglandins made from cyclooxygenase dicate muscle constriction and platelet aggregation. Prostaglandins made from lipoxygenase dilate bronchial tissues and create Fina cough. The fat burning will happen, as will the muscle hypertrophy. As far as the cough and worrying about it: Only worry if you are asthmatic or have exercise induced asthma.

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